Echoes of Resurrection

April 13, 2024

Jubilee Fam,

Though the commemoration of Holy Week, which culminated in Resurrection Sunday, is behind, the "echoes" of Resurrection reverberate from the day Jesus rose from the dead to the very moment you read this small devotional. On Monday morning, I read an insightful article about Bright Monday (This is why I got the wording echoes. Click the link to check the article out). Have you heard about that before? I had just found out about it in the article. Bright Monday is a celebration from the Eastern Orthodox Church commemorating the Monday after the Resurrection. Can you imagine what the next day was like for Jesus' disciples dealing with the whiplash of crucifixion on Friday, silence and fear on Saturday, and a resurrected Lord on Sunday? The article's author makes the point that after the Son rose on Easter, the bright light of resurrection changed every day. I commend it to you for your reflection. On Sunday, Lord willing, we start 1 Corinthians. The title of the series is A Messy Church of the Magnified Messiah. We aim to see that we can taste deep hope even in our messiness through the person and work of our resurrected and ascended King. If the King will sustain the messy Corinthians to the end, guiltless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ, then he will do so with us (1 Cor 1:8). Let me encourage you to join us for our Sunday Evening service. The aim will be to offer a public reading of Scripture together and read through the entire letter in one sitting as a community. That will significantly aid us in our time in this Christ-exalting letter.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus be with you (1 Cor 16:23),

Pastor Lew